Motivation leads us to great heights. It is something that gets you started and this is the reason behind the inception of KP's Dental Academy. The thought of starting this academy, came from a conversation we had with a dental intern a few months ago. She met us at our clinic and asked us if we could allow her to observe patients during their treatment. On asking her the reason for the same, we got to know that dental students lack confidence to deal with patients. The thought of taking an initiative and starting a dental academy, with a vision to provide students’ academic guidance and hands on experience at reasonable rates, dawned on us. We looked out for dental professors who have a passion for teaching. We now have a team of professional dental professors who will be a part of our KP's Dental Academy, guiding students to achieve their dreams. We aim to deliver quality service at an affordable price.Mumbai
Overview / Detail of Speaker
Dr. Adil has completed his Master’s degree from M.A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Science & Research Centre and has been on the merit list at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences at both undergraduate and post graduate level. He currently works in Mumbai as a Lecturer at M.G.M. Dental College and Hospital and a Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. He has published multiple papers in national and international journals.
SURGIRIDE by Dr Adil Gandevivala
Feb 25 2022 | Mumbai
₹ Contact faculty.
SURGIRIDE by Dr Adil Gandevivala
Jul 15 2018 | mumbai
₹ 13000/-
One Day exclusive course on disipaction with live surgeries and hands on patients
Sep 24 2017 | Mumbai
₹ 12000/-
One Day exclusive course on Disimpaction with live surgeries and hands on patients SPECIAL BATCH OF SURGIRIDE BY DR Adil Gandevivala
Oct 1 2016 | Pune
₹ 13650/-
1st-2nd OCTOBER. Hands-On for Complicated Exodontia, Disimpaction, Apicoectomy, iv & im drug administration. Contact: 09096743727/ 09022966610