Dentists in vijayawada
Viswas Edara

Dr. Viswas Edara




Teeth WhiteningArtificial TeethBleaching
Ceramic CrownsBracesExtraction
Cosmetic DentistryDenturesRoot Canal
VeneersSmile DesigningConsultation
Tooth JewelleryDental ImplantsGum Surgery
Scaling and PolishingOral Implantologist And Oral and Maxillofacial PathologistFilling and Restoration
ZirconiaDental Crowns and BridgesOthers
LaminatesFull mouth rehabilitationMaxillofacial trauma maxillofacial pathology
Advance bone graftingThird Molar RemovalPost and Core
Facial estheticsCLEFT LIP AND PALATEDental and maxillofacial implants
Hair TransplantBIOPSYFacial Bone Fracture Treatment
Wisdom teeth extractionCysts and tumors of the jawORAL CANCER SCREENING Surgical Intervention
Sleep Apnea treatment (snoring)Minor Oral SurgeryCorrective jaw surgery/Orthognathic surgery
RetainersFractures of jaws and facial bonesTreatment of TMJ problems
Aesthetic (cosmetic) DentistryCosmetic FillingsMicroscopic Root Canals
Orthodontic Treatments Including InvisalignRVG(Dental X-ray)Child Dentistry
Diagnosis With IntraOral Camera ScreeningGeriatric DentistryOrthodontic Treatment
Digital Dental ImplantologyAnterior TeethTreatment of Periodontitist
Pit and Fissure SealantConventional Renewable Complete DentureInvisalign
Space maintainersSurgical correction of facial aestheticsOrthodontics
Advance OrthodonticsTreatment Of PeriodontitisOral Surgery
EndodonticsEsthetic Restorations 


Master of Dental Surgery In Paediatric And Preventive Dentistry Sibar dental college 2022


A20819 Andhra Pradesh state dental council
Vasishta Dental Concepts

21-111, Ring center, Ferry road 21-111, Ring center, Ferry road, opp ...

Dr. Viswas Edara
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