Dentists in vijayapura
Mallikarjun Nagar,
Manjunath D Hirolli

Dr. Manjunath D Hirolli




BleachingBracesTeeth Whitening
Artificial TeethCeramic CrownsScaling and Polishing
Root CanalConsultationExtraction
Cosmetic DentistryDenturesVeneers
ZirconiaDental Crowns and BridgesOral Implantologist And Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist
Filling and RestorationSmile DesigningDental Implants
Gum SurgeryTooth JewelleryOthers
Facial estheticsMaxillofacial trauma maxillofacial pathologyAdvance bone grafting
Dental and maxillofacial implantsLaminatesFull mouth rehabilitation
Post and CoreCosmetic FillingsWisdom teeth extraction
Minor Oral SurgeryTreatment of TMJ problemsThird Molar Removal
Child DentistryOrthodontic Treatments Including InvisalignDiagnosis With IntraOral Camera Screening
Geriatric DentistryAesthetic (cosmetic) DentistryRetainers
Anterior TeethPit and Fissure SealantOrthodontic Treatment
RVG(Dental X-ray)Digital Dental ImplantologyTreatment of Periodontitist
Conventional Renewable Complete DentureAdvance OrthodonticsTreatment Of Periodontitis
OrthodonticsSurgical correction of facial aestheticsEndodontics
Space maintainersOral SurgeryEsthetic Restorations
Manjunath Clinic

Plot No 4 Ashram Road Mallikarjun Nagar Bijapur Vijayapura

Dr. Manjunath D Hirolli
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