Dentists in pune
Dr Sanket Joshi and Dr. Durga Joshi

Dr. Sanket Joshi and Dr. Durga Joshi




Teeth WhiteningArtificial TeethCeramic Crowns
VeneersDenturesRoot Canal
Cosmetic DentistryScaling and PolishingConsultation
Gum SurgeryDental ImplantsTooth Jewellery
ZirconiaOthersSmile Designing
LaminatesDental Crowns and BridgesFilling and Restoration
Oral Implantologist And Oral and Maxillofacial PathologistDental and maxillofacial implantsFull mouth rehabilitation
Maxillofacial trauma maxillofacial pathologyAdvance bone graftingCLEFT LIP AND PALATE
Third Molar RemovalPost and CoreFacial esthetics
BIOPSYORAL CANCER SCREENING Surgical InterventionHair Transplant
Facial Bone Fracture TreatmentCorrective jaw surgery/Orthognathic surgeryFractures of jaws and facial bones
Cysts and tumors of the jawWisdom teeth extractionRetainers
Minor Oral SurgerySleep Apnea treatment (snoring)Treatment of TMJ problems
Cosmetic FillingsMicroscopic Root CanalsAesthetic (cosmetic) Dentistry
RVG(Dental X-ray)Orthodontic Treatments Including InvisalignChild Dentistry
Geriatric DentistryDiagnosis With IntraOral Camera ScreeningOrthodontic Treatment
Pit and Fissure SealantAnterior TeethTreatment of Periodontitist
InvisalignConventional Renewable Complete DentureSpace maintainers
Digital Dental ImplantologyEndodonticsAdvance Orthodontics
Surgical correction of facial aestheticsOrthodonticsTreatment Of Periodontitis
Esthetic RestorationsOral Surgery 


Bachelor of Dental Surgery M.A. Rangoonwala Dental College 2019
B.D.S M.A. Rangoonwala Dental College 2019


Fellowship in Aesthetic Dentistry ( Germany ) 2021


A-44100 MSDC
A-44101 MSDC
Joshi Dental Studio

75, 1st Floor Bhagyashree, Prabhat Road Lane No. 15 Deccan Gymkhana, E ...

Dr. Sanket Joshi and Dr. Durga Joshi
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