Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic

Dental Clinic


DenturesTeeth WhiteningConsultation
Dental ImplantsArtificial TeethScaling and Polishing
BleachingVeneersCosmetic Dentistry
BracesCeramic CrownsExtraction
Gum SurgeryRoot Canal 
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Dr. Sapna Sharma dentist



Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr.Rohan dentist

Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr vikrant dentist

Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr. Neha Chandan dentist

Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr. Fardin Adhikari dentist

Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic
Dr. Prakash Gupta dentist


Dental Implantogy & Aesthetre Dentistry, Dentist, Cosm ...

Dr. Prakash Gupta Multispeciality Dental Clinic

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13 Yr(s) Experience

200 Consultation Fees

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Anonymous | 02 Apr 2018 12:46 PM | Dr. Sapna Sharma

Doctor Rating:
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Clinic is spacious, super clean and hygenic, having the latest technical apparatus to carry out the tasks at hand, with extremely courteous and polite staff. With a prior appointment there is minimum waiting time at the clinic. The doctor is very experienced, knowledgeable, calm and put me at ease in a very soothing manner explaining all the ailments that have to be taken care of after a thorough check up. Will always recommended this clinic to everyone with a tooth problem and all my family members go to this clinic only.