At Facekraft dental clinic which is conveniently located at Riddhi Siddhi, Gopalpura in Keshav Vihar, we specialise in providing Full mouth Dental Implants in Jaipur. Our clinic is equipped with an In-house OPG , Digital scanner for digital patient impressions , Digital X ray , oxygen cylinder and the best in class sterilization equipments.
Tooth Jewellery
Ceramic Crowns
Treatment of Periodontitist
Fractures of jaws and facial bones
Maxillofacial trauma maxillofacial pathology
Cosmetic Dentistry
Anterior Teeth
RVG(Dental X-ray)
Dental Crowns and Bridges
Treatment of TMJ problems
Esthetic Restorations
Facial esthetics
Diagnosis With IntraOral Camera Screening
Orthodontic Treatments Including Invisalign
Microscopic Root Canals
Filling and Restoration
ORAL CANCER SCREENING Surgical Intervention
Hair Transplant
Dental and maxillofacial implants
Facial Bone Fracture Treatment
Cosmetic Fillings
Space maintainers
Geriatric Dentistry
Aesthetic (cosmetic) Dentistry
Corrective jaw surgery/Orthognathic surgery
Treatment Of Periodontitis
Oral Implantologist And Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist
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At Dentee, our aim is to keep you smiling. We do this by helping you find and book your appointment with the best clinics in jaipur. And to make things even easier, we provide you with their numbers, addresses, fee structures and even a map of how to reach them! With Dentee, the most renowned clinics in jaipur are just a click away from you!
At Dentee, our aim is to keep you smiling. We do this by helping you find and book your appointment with the best dentists in jaipur. And to make things even easier, we provide you with their numbers, addresses, fee structures and even a map of how to reach them! With Dentee, the most renowned dentists in jaipur are just a click away from you!