Welcome to 3A Dental Clinic, where compassionate, expert dental care meets modern technology. Located in the heart of South Mumbai, we are a family-run clinic with over 40 years of trusted, patient-centered service. Led by Dr. Amaey A. Parekh, an experienced dentist specializing in braces, implants, and cosmetic dentistry, our mission is to provide personalized, pain-free dental solutions that leave you with a confident, healthy smile. Dr. Parekh’s dedication to excellence and gentle approach ensures every patient receives the highest quality care, making each visit comfortable, reliable, and effective. Join us at 3A Dental Clinic for a welcoming experience and lasting dental health.
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At Dentee, our aim is to keep you smiling. We do this by helping you find and book your appointment with the best dentists in ghaziabad. And to make things even easier, we provide you with their numbers, addresses, fee structures and even a map of how to reach them! With Dentee, the most renowned dentists in ghaziabad are just a click away from you!